
The places I want to visit....

I just have three vacations left during my university time. Perhaps I have no enough time after graduation, so I wish I can use the three vacations well to go to travel.
Let me show some places where I want to visit in China. I live in the north of China, but I prefer to go to the south. Trees, rivers, moist air, mountains, architectural style....all of them are my favorite. I think the north and the west is bold and unconstrained, and the south is graceful and restrained.

Li Jiang of Yunnan province (southwest of China)

This is Old Town of Lijiang, with a history of 1,300 years, home to the ancient Dongba culture and a major scenic area in China. It is famous for its orderly system of waterways and bridges. It was registered on the UNESCO World Heritage List in December 4, 1997.

Da Li city of Yuman province

The Three Pagodas are made of brick and covered with white mud. As its name implies, the Three Pagodas comprise three independent pagodas forming a symmetric triangle. The elegant, balanced and stately style is unique in China’s ancient Buddhist architectures, which makes it a must-see in the tour of Dali.
The Three Pagodas was initially built for auspicious reasons.

Dun Huang Mogao caves of Gansu province (northwest of China)

The Mogao Caves, form a system of 492 temples 25 km (15.5 miles) southeast of the center of Dunhuang, an oasis strategically located at a religious and cultural crossroads on the Silk Road, in Gansu province, China. The caves contain some of the finest examples of Buddhist art spanning a period of 1,000 years.Construction of the Buddhist cave shrines began in 366 AD as places to store scriptures and art.

Crescent Lake (Yueyaquan). Just only on the left, plants can grow.

I would like to experience the sad but stirring desert.

the Potala Palace of Tibet Autonomous Region (southwest of China)

A prayer wheel is a cylindrical 'wheel' (Tibetan: 'khor) on a spindle made from metal, wood, stone, leather, or even coarse cotton. It is said that prayer wheels are used to accumulate wisdom and merit or good karma and to purify negativities such as bad karma.
I want to touch them, to feel them.

Early in December 1994, Tibet's Potala Palace in Lhasa has been included in the "World Heritage List."

Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet Day Mabu northwest mountains, is the famous castle-style buildings, ancient Tibetan architectural art is all about.
The Potala Palace was built in the 7th century AD, is Zao Songtsan for marrying men of the Tang Princess Wen Cheng in Tibet was built. In Lhasa, 3,700 meters above sea level on the construction of the Hongshan 999 houses Miyauchi - the Potala Palace.
The West Lake of Hangzhou city in Zhejiang provice (southern coast of China)

West Lake is not only famous for its picturesque landscape, it is also associated with many scholars, national heroes and revolutionary martyrs, thus embracing many aspects of Chinese culture. In addition, many ancient buildings, stone caves and engraved tablets in surrounding areas are among the most cherished national treasures of China, with significant artistic value.


Zhou Zhuang  Village  of Jingsu province (southern coast of China)

Zhouzhuang is a popular tourist destination. It is one of the most famous water townships in China, noted for its profound cultural background, the well preserved ancient residential houses, the elegant watery views and the strong local colored traditions and customs. It has been called the "Venice of the East".

 Hainan Island (Hainan province, south of China)

As Hainan Island is not heavily industrialised, its greenery, together with its beautiful beaches and clean air, make it a popular tourist attraction.

The Person Who I Amire

           The person who I adire is our Premier Minister Wen jiabao. "All thinking of people, all for the people" . This was what he said and he did so. He has been dubbed "the people's premier" by both domestic and foreign media.
           He is a responsible premier. When we suffered from the Snow Disasters at the beginning of 2008,he had gone to the disaster-hit area three times within eight days. That is his duty. When the earthquake struck Sichuan at 2:28 pm ,12th on May, he returned back to the government administration of the nation of Beijing from another province. At 4:40 pm, the plane took Wen jiabao to fly to the Sichuan province from Beijing. At 7:10 pm, Wen jiabao arrived to the place of earthquake that happened. When I saw the figures from the media, I was moved and shocked. That is what a premier minister should do! When the aftershocks continued to occur, he was still standing in the rain with the rescue team and the victims. Once he hurt his arms, he refused the doctor. At this critical moment, he has forgotten the pain. On his way to another place that the earthquake happened, he made way immediately for a serious injuried girl who was taking head-on towards him.He is nearly 70 years old, is there anyone willing to see a person who like a father stood in areas aftershocks continued to occur? He is the true son of the People's Republic of China, and he should be admired.
            He is poet premier. He often adduces some ancient Chinese poetries and dictums to express his opinions, feelings, responsbilities, and the situation of China..... He has been reading books in his life, and also recommends many excellent books to young people. He teaches us to be a person that read books.His profound literary accomplishment makes me admire.
            He wrote back a farmer to congradulate he have a good harvest, to encourage a boy who was burnt seriously by a fire accident to stand up again and send contributions, to encourage a vonluteer of Olympic Games of Beijing to service for republic, to express sympathy and solicitude to the students who are injured by the earthquake.......
            He is a prime minister that dare to admit his mistake. He is a geologist and engineer by profession and holds a postgraduate degree from the Beijing Institute of Geology. One day, he went to a middle school to see the teachers and students. After he listened to the class, he wrote a artile about some feeling and opinions about the education to the media. He made a small mistakes about a knowledge. When he received a teacher's letter about his mistakes. He noticed the publish immediately to correct to the mistake, then wrote a letter to the media and public to apologize. He is earnest and serious, he should be admired.
            This is our prime minister, although I just list a few things, he still should be admired. He is a real "the people's primer" as the past premier Zhou enlai, both of them will  be enshrined in the heart of Chinese public forever.


About My Hobby

        If it is possible, I hope I can have a very big room to collect books, arrange four big antique shelves to every piece of wall, and every shelf is filled with all kind of books. Then I can read them at any time and any where.o(≧v≦)o~~ I do not know collecting books can be a hobby or not. Now I am not ability to buy books by myself, so I have to download some e-books. I have collectd so many books in mu notebook, such as, autobiography, novel, essay......One of life goals is reading most books all over the world, until the end of my life. \(^o^)/
       If I can have a big enough room to collect books, I will do my best to fill in the bookcases.
       I am ver lazy, I do not like shopping, taking exercise,but I like to go travelling. Carrying a big bag alone or with several close friends, is my ideal travl style.
       I find I do not have any special hobby, perhaps it depends on my character.

         A cup of hot tea, a book, a drop of sunshine, and a soft sofa, this is my favorite. I would like to enjoy simple life.\(^o^)/~


Ten Things I do with My Computer

1. Check news every day.
I am interested in politics, economy, and military, so through news, I can understand the world well, I think.

2. Chenk email every night

3. Have a chat with my parents and my friends
Using MSN or QQ(Chinese chatting tool) to connect my patents and my friends. Thanks for the internet, I can connect them wherever I am.

4. View some web pages reguarly to save some useful informitaion

5. Reading books on the internet every weekend.
Althrough reading books on the internet is bad for my eyes, I real enjoy useing the internet to read books.

6. Play some simple on-line games in my spare time.

7. Writing papers
Most my papers need to use notebook to write.

8. Watching movies and drames.
Downloading movies from the internet helps me to save money and time, I need not to go to a threater to see a moive.

9. Buying some books through the internet.
Buying books on the internet is much cheaper than in the book store.

10. View some forums to share my opinions and save some useful information.


     This morning, after I got up, I felt that I was ache all over. Because I fell over several times from ice-skating.
     On Saturday, my friends and I go to skating. Actually, I cannot skate. I real want to learn, but I am afraid
of falling over, so I do not learn skating until now. My friends persuade that if I do not take the first step, to overcome the fear of skating, I cannot skate forever. Most everyone that learn to skate can fall over. So at last I made my mind to go to learn skating.
      The skating rink was very big. Most skating people were students. They all skated very good, and liked to fly. I admired them very much. Sometimes, we could heard the sound of falling over. The skating rink was feelded with sound of laughter and sound of falling over.
       My friend supported me with his hands to help me learn skating. At first, I just can walk on the irce very slowly under my friend's help. But if my friend did not help me, I would fall over immediately. I could not contral the balance of my body well. I don't know how many times I fall over. At last, I asked my friend to skate, I just walked on the ice very carefully and slowly.(+﹏+)~~

        One of my friend, he wanted to give us a surprised and cool performance when he arrived to the front of us. But after he arrived, he fell over sudenly. We all laughed, and he just skated away quickly.~\(≧▽≦)/
        Although I cannot satke now, but that day is a real fun day.(*^__^*) ……


International Students Cultural Festival

       At this Friday night, my friends and I took part in International Students Cultural Festival. The cultures of different asia countries were presented to us. That was very interesting and fun. Performances of international students won win many applauses of  us.

This is the stage of International Students Cultural Festival.

The team came firom Sri Lanka. Slow music made us feel very comfortable. Their dance made us feel the culture of south asia.

This team came from Pakistan. The four men did not arrange their dance painstakingly, just followed the music to express their emotion passionately. The music that brought their national character was very cheerful. Atmosphere of the  auditorium was very high. We all also wanted to dance with the four men.

The team from Vietnam. The team was very creative. They used black plastic bag, sanitary cups, and leaves made a wonderful show. They named the show crazy fashion show.

Then next, they wore their traditional clothes to dance. My friends and I all think that their clothers were very
beautiful and graceful.

The team came from China. From her white clothes, her actions, we could feel the beauty of weak and strong of Tai Chi Quan. I real would like to leran that.

The team came from Korea. The man ued three differnt musical instuments played two songs for us. Sounds like great!

He came from Korea. A famous DJ in Korea. This was the first time to experience the live DJ. He used his figures to make DJing, and made a song change differnet voices. That was very great. I very enjoyed it.

 Thanks for the international students culture featival gaving a good chance to experien different culture.


Everland Trip

It looks very dangerous. So I do not play it, just wait for my friends aside.( ⊙ o ⊙ )!

This is the second time to play the pirate ship, it feels very good. You can open your arms when you fly to down from the highest position, and cry out. Veryexciting.~\(≧▽≦)/~

In China, most young people think that ferris wheels is a very romantic place for lovers. It is named Kissing the Holy Land. What about in Korea? That afternoon, because of raining, the ferris wheels closed.


A Coming Trip

    Today I booked an airplane ticket. o(≧v≦)o~~
     In December,after final exam, I am going to ChongQing city by airplane with my friends, just for travlling,then go back to my hometown. O(∩_∩)O
     Now I am missing a very famous and traditional chafing dish in China. ChongQing has the most famous  chafing dish in China. My friend will supply an apartment to us, which can help us to save much money. So I am very expected the travelling.o(≧v≦)o~~


Never say goodbye


      This morming, at 9 o'clock, one of my best friends has left Korea, and return back to China. We have lived together for two years. She is older than me,but we don not feel comfortable when we live together. We have the same blood type, constellation(sagittarius). Almost we have the same opinion about one thing. She is very clever, and has many strange ideas. Some ideas that I may not agree, but I always think that she is resonable. When I stand close to her, I also feel a feeling of safety.
       She has very rich experience. She had been a cochairman for three years in the student councila of a Chinese university. She had already attended a debating discussion stand for her university. She also had been a GRO for eight months in a five-star hotel. I have learnt many things from her. One of them is do not regret what you have done, just to bear the consequence.

       There are so many happy things happened between us. On the way home, we share interesting things to each other, we smell ,we talk, we sing a song...In winter, while we wore thick clothes, drank hot tea to see films and dramas in the cold room. Sometimes, we have a chat at night, the chat even can last to the next morning, then we would go to sleep in the next afternoon.(*^__^*) ……
       When I  see the sight of her back of taking on the bus, I feel very sad. Her leaving means it is hard to meet again. Because I live in the north of China, she lives in the south of China. We live too far from each other. Developed tecnology and convenient traffic does not mean we can meet easily. Both of us have to run around for a living, it is hard to say we can have right time to meet each other. But I never say goodbye to each other. We said to each other that no matter what time it is, no matter where we are,we keep in touch with each other all the time.
        I want you to know that in this world, there is always a person is missing you, no matter at what time, no matter where you are, anyway, you know, there is always so a person. I will do my best to keep the friendship forever. I will never say goobye to her, just say "See you soon".
        Best wishes to my dear friend.

Hello World

Welcome to my blog. hahahaha.......